External Switch

External Switch

This guide will show you how to connect external switch to your MOTION 2350 Pro.

There is a pair of holes available for you to connect an external switch to your MOTION 2350 Pro board on your robot enclosure.

Note 1 : Soldering of connectors is required.
Note 2 : The connection of pins are polarity insensitives
Note 3 : Always switch OFF the onboard switch if you wish to control the power of the MOTION:BIT Pro solely on the external switch.
Note 4 : The external switch are not meant for push switch buttons.

  1. Prepare a 1x2 header pin.
  2. Position the header pin in the holes labeled "EXT. SW".
  3. Solder the pins at the back side of the board.


  1. Connect a switch to the header pins.

Switch used on figure: Rocker Switch with Wire-20CM

Hardware Components