Topic 4: Materials & Filament

Topic 4: Materials & Filament

In 3D printing, there are a large variety of printing materials to choose from. Each material/filament has its own unique properties and uses.




Due to common material used in 3D Printing technology, we have covered more detailed explanations about PLA material in our previous tutorial All You Need to Know About PLA for 3D Printing. It is recommended to take a look at this tutorial for more understanding. 


We also have prepared for you another common type of material that already covered on tutorial The Most Common Filament Types and Their Uses


For more interesting knowledge, take a look at the Filament Properties Table. We will know more details about the material that can be used with our 3D Printer.


Once we know each of the material properties, it will be easier for us to take care of it. PLA Material for example sometimes will have some issue in printing and there are some steps or solutions to prevent it. We also prepare a special tutorial about this issue in Why Does PLA Filament Get Brittle: Causes and Solutions


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