Interfacing the LD2410B Human Presence Status Sensor using ESP32

Interfacing the LD2410B Human Presence Status Sensor using ESP32


In this short tutorial video, we will show you how to interface the LD2410B sensor using the ESP32 Module.

The LD2410B sensor is a versatile and powerful device used in various applications, including distance measurement, obstacle detection, and motion tracking.

Video Demonstration

Hardware Requirements

Steps to interface LD2410B Sensor with ESP32 Module

Step 1: Connect the Hardware


Connect the TX pin of the LD2410B sensor to 32 and the RX pin to 33 in the ESP32 Module

Step 2: Download ESP32 Library in Arduino IDE


Step 3: Code


Open Arduino IDE and paste this code into a new sketch



Step 4: Uploading the Code to ESP32