Breakout Game Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

Breakout Game Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

To build a breakout game using CircuitPython and an SSD1306 OLED display, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Gather the Required Components

  1. Raspberry Pi Pico 2

  2. SSD1306 OLED Display

  3. Joystick (with X, Y, and button pins)

  4. Buzzer

  5. Breadboard and connecting wires


Step 2: Set Up CircuitPython Environment

  1. Install the necessary CircuitPython libraries. Use the adafruit-circuitpython-bundle to get the following:

    • adafruit_display_shapes

    • adafruit_ssd1306

    • simpleio

    • analogio

    • digitalio

Can get the library here

Step 3: Wire the Components

  1. SSD1306 OLED Display:

    • Connect SCL to GP5 (I2C Clock)

    • Connect SDA to GP4 (I2C Data)

    • Connect VCC to 3.3V

    • Connect GND to GND

  1. Joystick:

    • Connect the X-axis to GP26

    • Connect the Y-axis to GP27

    • Connect the button pin to GP22 (with a pull-up resistor, if needed)


  1. Buzzer:

    • Connect one pin to GP18

    • Connect the other pin to GND


Step 4: Load the Code

Copy the provided code here into a new file named on the CircuitPython drive (this should appear when you connect your Pico to your computer via USB).

Get the code here

Step 5: Understand the Code Structure

  1. Initialization:

    • Set up the I2C connection for the OLED display.

    • Initialize the joystick and buzzer.

    • Define game variables like paddle size, ball speed, block dimensions, etc.

  2. Main Functions:

    • create_blocks(): Generates the blocks to be broken.

    • draw_game(elapsed_time): Handles drawing the paddle, ball, blocks, score, and time on the display.

    • show_start_screen(): Displays the start screen with instructions.

    • show_game_over_screen(): Displays the game over screen with the final score.

    • play_buzzer(): Plays a tone on the buzzer when the game ends.

  3. Game Loop:

    • The main loop waits for the start button press, tracks time, moves the paddle based on joystick input, updates the ball's position, checks for collisions, and redraws the game elements.


Step 6: Run and Test the Game

  1. Once the code is loaded, the Pico should display "Press Start" on the OLED.

  2. Press the joystick button to start the game.

  3. Use the joystick to move the paddle left and right.

  4. The game will increase in difficulty as the ball speed gradually increases.

  5. When the ball hits the bottom of the screen, the game ends, and the final score is displayed.

Video Output


This step-by-step process will guide you in creating a breakout game using CircuitPython and an SSD1306 OLED display. Enjoy building and customizing your game!