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Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico-Color Printed
- Brands Raspberry Pi Code: BOK-UPYT-PICO
Raspberry Pi Foundation has been working hard for the launch of Raspberry Pi Pico, Raspberry Pi's very first microcontroller unit (MCU)!
Raspberry Pi has been very popular in producing Single Board Computer since the launch of Raspberry Pi 1 in February of 2012. Now, the engineering team has delivered another great news for digital makers around the world, a microcontroller development board named - Raspberry Pi Pico. It is the1st MCU development board from Raspberry Pi Foundation and it is also based on their 1st in-house designed silicon IC - RP2040.
Microcontrollers, like RP2040 at the heart of Raspberry Pi Pico, are computers stripped back to their bare essentials. You don’t use monitors or keyboards, but program them to take their input from, and send their output to the input/output pins. Using these programmable connections, you can light lights, make noises, send a text to screens, and much more.
In Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico, you will learn how to use the beginner-friendly language MicroPython to write programs and connect up hardware to make your Raspberry Pi Pico interact with the world around it. Using these skills, you can create your own electro-mechanical projects, whether for fun or to make your life easier. The robotic future is here – you just have to build it yourself. This book will show you how.
You can buy Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico now from the Raspberry Pi Press online store. If you don’t need the lovely new book, with its new-book smell, in your hands in real life, you can download a PDF version for free (or a small voluntary contribution).
STOP PRESS: we’ve spotted an error in the first print run of the book, affecting the code examples in Chapters 4 to 7. We’re sorry! Fortunately, it’s easy for readers to correct in their own code
Errata: To avoid the possibility of erratic readings from inputs such as a push-button or PIR sensor, you are advised to change the pin input setup code line to include a ‘machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN’ call to pull down the pin’s resistor manually. For example:
button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN)
…should change to:
button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)
Page 113: the size of Pico’s file system is in fact 1.375MiB, not 128kB, which means it can continue to log data for much longer than stated.
See here for everything you need to know. The error has already been corrected in the PDF version.