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Hussien Jawhar Sathik

46 Tutorials
Can 3A/3.5A PSU power Raspberry Pi 5?

Can 3A/3.5A PSU power Raspberry Pi 5?

In this article we shall discuss if we can use 3A/3.5A PSU to power up Raspberry Pi 5...
Can I use Raspberry Pi 4 Enclosure for Raspberry Pi 5?

Can I use Raspberry Pi 4 Enclosure for Raspberry Pi 5?

In this article we talk discuss if the Raspberry Pi 4 enclosure can be used for Raspberry 5...
Take Photo Through Telegram Using Raspberry Pi Zero W And Pi Camera Module 3

Take Photo Through Telegram Using Raspberry Pi Zero W And Pi Camera Module 3

In this simple project we shall see how we can take photo through Telegram using Raspberry Pi Zero W and Pi Camera Module 3..
QR Code Reader Using Raspberry Pi Zero W + Camera Module 3

QR Code Reader Using Raspberry Pi Zero W + Camera Module 3

In this project it is demonstrated how to read QR code using the raspberry pi zero W with raspberry pi camera module 3..
Digital Signage With Raspberry Pi Zero W

Digital Signage With Raspberry Pi Zero W

A simple digital signage project using Raspberry Pi Zero W..
Pi-hole With Raspberry Pi Zero W

Pi-hole With Raspberry Pi Zero W

In this tutorial today we would like to see how to setup Pi-hole on Raspberry Pi Zero W..
Maker Feather AIOT S3 Data Logging To Firebase

Maker Feather AIOT S3 Data Logging To Firebase

In this tutorial we shall see how we can data logging to firebase using Maker Feather AIOT S3..


In this tutorial we shall see how to control the relay through the digital output...
Arducam Mega 3MP with Maker Feather AIOT S3

Arducam Mega 3MP with Maker Feather AIOT S3

In this tutorial we shall see how to interface and control the Arducam Mega 3MP using the Maker Feather AIOT S3..
EdgeBox RPI 200 And CODESYS : Digital Input

EdgeBox RPI 200 And CODESYS : Digital Input

In this tutorial, we would like to see how we can inject a digital input to the EdgeBox RPI 200 and observe it through the visualization features on the CODESYS..
Getting started with EdgeBox RPi 200 and CODESYS

Getting started with EdgeBox RPi 200 and CODESYS

In this tutorial we shall see how to get started with EdgeBox RPI 200 and CODESYS. We will try to control the build in LED2...
Getting started with EdgeBox RPi 200 and Node-Red

Getting started with EdgeBox RPi 200 and Node-Red

In this tutorial we shall how to get started with EdgeBox RPI 200 and Node-Red..
Raspberry Pi And Industrial Automation Software

Raspberry Pi And Industrial Automation Software

In this article we would like to talk about the industrial automation software that can be implemented with Raspberry Pi..
Environment Data Monitoring With Maker Feather AIOT S3 and Adafruit IO

Environment Data Monitoring With Maker Feather AIOT S3 and Adafruit IO

In this simple tutorial we shall how we can create a environment data dashboard using the Maker Feather AIOT S3 as the main controller, SHT40 and SGP30 as the sensor...
The Industrial Communication Protocol Supported By Raspberry Pi

The Industrial Communication Protocol Supported By Raspberry Pi

In this article, we shall talk about the industrial communication protocol supported by Raspberry Pi..
How Raspberry Pi Are Helping The Industries?

How Raspberry Pi Are Helping The Industries?

In this article it is discussed how the Raspberry Pi are being used in the market in solving the problem..
Temperature And Humidity Data From SHT40 To Thingspeak With Maker Feather AIOT S3

Temperature And Humidity Data From SHT40 To Thingspeak With Maker Feather AIOT S3

A simple tutorial on how to send temperature and humidity data from SHT40 to Thingspeak with Maker Feather AIOT S3..
How To Control LED with Blynk Using Maker Feather AIOT S3

How To Control LED with Blynk Using Maker Feather AIOT S3

In this simple it is demonstrated how to get started with Blynk 2.0 and Maker Feather AIOT S3...
Getting Started With Maker Nano RP2040

Getting Started With Maker Nano RP2040

In this simple tutorial we shall see how to get started with Maker Nano RP2040 Using Arduino IDE..
Getting Started With Maker Nano RP2040 & Blynk IoT

Getting Started With Maker Nano RP2040 & Blynk IoT

In this tutorial, it will focuses on getting started with Maker Nano RP2040 and Blynk IOT...
WIFI Robot Maneuver With MDDS10

WIFI Robot Maneuver With MDDS10

 MDDS10 is the SmartDriveDuo-10 whereby it has the specification of MDD10A which is capable to drive two brushed motors bidirectionally at 10Amps each and with the addition of smart f...
Quadruped Robot with SC08A Servo Controller

Quadruped Robot with SC08A Servo Controller

To build this robot, there are quite a number components and 3d printed parts are required. Hence this will be separated into two two different parts. First we will look at the components, and next we..
Measure Temperature Using PCT2075 Sensor And Maker Pi Pico

Measure Temperature Using PCT2075 Sensor And Maker Pi Pico

In this simple tutorial it is demonstrated how to interface the PCT2075 temperature sensor with Maker Pi Pico and display the value on the Sparkfun RGB LCD. The PCT2075 temperature sensor by NXP is a ..
Detect RGB Color With Raspberry Pi Pico

Detect RGB Color With Raspberry Pi Pico

In this tutorial we shall see how to detect the RGB color using Raspberry Pi Pico and APDS 9960 sensor. The result is then displayed on the Sparkfun RGB lcd. Basically the sensor is capable of detecti..
Measure Soil Moisture Sensor Using Raspberry Pi Pico And Maker Soil Moisture Sensor

Measure Soil Moisture Sensor Using Raspberry Pi Pico And Maker Soil Moisture Sensor

In this tutorial we shall see how to measure the soil moisture using Raspberry Pi Pico and Maker Soil Moisture sensor. To build this project is very straight forward as it does not require complicated..
Getting Started Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Lite And Mini Base (A) Board  (CM4-IO-BASE-A)

Getting Started Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Lite And Mini Base (A) Board (CM4-IO-BASE-A)

The Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) is a System on Module containing processor, memory, eMMC Flash and supporting power circuitry. This module represent a huge change for the Compute Module line. ..
Measure The Ambient Temperature With Raspberry Pi Pico And Grove Temperature Sensor Using Arduino IDE

Measure The Ambient Temperature With Raspberry Pi Pico And Grove Temperature Sensor Using Arduino IDE

VideoHardware PreparationFor this tutorial we will need the following componentsDCIM\101MEDIA\DJI_0277.JPGRaspberry Pi Pico Microcontroll....
Interfacing Raspberry Pi Pico With 0.96

Interfacing Raspberry Pi Pico With 0.96

 Video Hardware PreparationFor this tutorial we will need the following components DCIM\101MEDIA\DJI_0277.JPGRaspberry Pi Pico Microcontroller ....
Gesture Control With Maker Nano RP2040 And APDS9960

Gesture Control With Maker Nano RP2040 And APDS9960

 Video Hardware PreparationFor this tutorial we will need the following components DCIM\101MEDIA\DJI_0277.JPGMaker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Pro....
Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 With DHT22 And Sparkfun SERLCD

Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 With DHT22 And Sparkfun SERLCD

 Video Hardware PreparationFor this tutorial we will need the following components Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040....
Getting Started With Sparkfun RedBoard Qwiic

Getting Started With Sparkfun RedBoard Qwiic

On top of that, there are few additions that make the Sparkfun Redboard Qwiic unique. With the improved AP112 voltage regulator, this RedBoard gains a more robust 3.3V regulator that provides it more ..
Measure The LPG Gas Using Maker Nano RP2040 And Gas Sensor MQ-9B

Measure The LPG Gas Using Maker Nano RP2040 And Gas Sensor MQ-9B

 Video Hardware PreparationThe hardware setup for this tutorial is as shown below Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040 ....
Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 with Grove LED Bar and Grove Slide Potentiometer

Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 with Grove LED Bar and Grove Slide Potentiometer

 Video Hardware PreparationThe hardware setup for this tutorial is as shown below Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi R....
Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Line Using Arduino IDE

Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Line Using Arduino IDE

 Video Hardware PreparationSince this is a continuation from the previous tutorial the additional that we will need is the Maker Line. Maker ....
Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Drive Using Arduino IDE

Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Drive Using Arduino IDE

 Video Hardware PreparationThis are the list of items used in this tutorial.Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040Maker Dr....
Monitor Soil Moisture With Maker Nano RP2040 And Maker Soil Moisture Sensor

Monitor Soil Moisture With Maker Nano RP2040 And Maker Soil Moisture Sensor

 Video Hardware PreparationThis are the list of items used in this tutorial.Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040Grove Sh....
What Is The Air Quality Inside Your Room

What Is The Air Quality Inside Your Room

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040Grove Shield for Ar....
Maker Uno Portable GPS With DHT 11

Maker Uno Portable GPS With DHT 11

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker UNO: Simplifying Arduino for {Education}Base Shield V2NEO-M6 GPS and mi....
Measure Distance With Maker Nano RP2040 And Ultrasonic Sensor With TFT Display

Measure Distance With Maker Nano RP2040 And Ultrasonic Sensor With TFT Display

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP20401.44-inch 128x128 T....
Maker Nano Heartbeat Monitoring With Mlx30102

Maker Nano Heartbeat Monitoring With Mlx30102

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker Nano: Simplifying Arduino for ProjectMAX30102 Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor ....
What is the oxygen level in your room?

What is the oxygen level in your room?

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker UNO: Simplifying Arduino for {Education}Base Shield V2Grove - O....
Maker UNO DHT11 Alphanumeric Display

Maker UNO DHT11 Alphanumeric Display

In this tutorial, it is demonstrated how to display the DHT11, temperature and humidity value on the alphanumeric display using Maker Uno.....
Microbit With Arduino IDE

Microbit With Arduino IDE

In this tutorial today, we would like to see how to program the micro:bit using Arduino ide. There are many other software which can be used to program the micro:bit, but today we would like to use th..
Is it possible to program Maker UNO with Python?

Is it possible to program Maker UNO with Python?

In this tutorial, it is demonstrated how we can program the Maker UNO using Python. Before this we have always use the Arduino IDE to program our Maker UNO but this time we have decided to use Python ..
K-Type Thermocouple With Maker UnoX And Blynk

K-Type Thermocouple With Maker UnoX And Blynk

In this simple video, it is demonstrated how to interface a K-Type thermocouple with Maker UnoX and display the temperature value on the 16x2 LCD and also using Blynk.....
Send Temperature and Humidity Data To ThingSpeak Using micro:bit

Send Temperature and Humidity Data To ThingSpeak Using micro:bit

In this video, it is demonstrated how to send temperature and humidity data to Thingspeak using micro:bit. The connection between the REKA:BIT and other devices are made through the grove connection. ..